
eW-2 FAQs


What do I need to sign up for electronic W-2s?
You will need to have GaelXpress access and give electronic consent to
receive your W-2 online.

Do I have a GaelXpress account?
If you are a current Faculty, Staff, or Student Worker, you should have a
GaelXpress account. If you do not, contact the help desk at (925) 631-4266.

How do I provide my consent?

  1. Log into GaelXpress 2.0 and then click on the Employee page. 
  2. Go to Tax Information page.  Under W-2 Information, read the consent statement and choose you preference between the two options.  In order to receive your W-2 electronically on GaelXpress, you will need to choose the option to "Receive my W-2 only in electronic format."
  3. Hit "Save" button.
    W-2 Screen shot. W-2 Information. Select option below to set your preferences for receiving your electronic W-2.


Once I have consented, how do I access my W-2 online?
Links to your W-2 Statement(s) should be available below once you have
confirmed your consent. Click on the appropriate year you want to view.

Do I need to give my consent every year?
No. Once you give consent to receive your W-2s electronically, your
consent status will remain in effect until you choose to change it.

If I change my mind, can I reverse my consent?
Yes. You can change your consent at any time. You will need to go to the
consent link in GaelXpress to change your consent.

When will my new W-2 be available online?
An e-mail will be sent to your Saint Mary's e-mail address in January when
your new W-2 becomes available.

How long will each W-2 be accessible online?
You will be able to access your prior W-2s at any time beginning with your
2010 W-2, for as long as you have GaelXpress access.

How secure is my information and who has access to it?
The privacy of your electronic form W-2 is assured by the use of your
personal User ID and Password. In addition, GaelXpress is a secure web
site using the latest data encryption technology to protect the privacy
of your personal data. The information is only accessible by authorized

What if I forgot my User ID/Password?
Please follow the instructions at the My Saint Mary's log in page for
resetting your password. You can also call the SMC help desk at (925) 631-
4266 if you need further assistance.

Can I print my W-2 or save it electronically?
Your electronic W-2 is in a PDF format and can be saved electronically as well as
printed on plain (8.5 x 11) paper.

Can this W-2 be sent to the IRS?
Your PDF W-2 is an acceptable IRS format and can be sent to the IRS.

What happens if I am no longer employed by the college?
If your employment ends at SMC, your W-2 will be mailed to you in January
regardless of your consent. You may no longer have access to GaelXpress
to view your W-2. Before you leave the college, be sure to print or save a
copy of your prior W-2s. If you did not save a copy and discover you need a
copy, please contact the payroll office. Please be sure your address on file
with the college is current. For any address changes, please contact Human
Resources (Faculty or Staff) or the Registrar's Office (Students) in writing or
by e-mail.