
Make a Scholarship Contribution to Leadership & Organizational Studies

Make a Scholarship Contribution to Leadership & Organizational Studies
To make a charitable contribution to Leadership Studies, please follow these directions and click on the link below.  We are most grateful for your support in making leadership education more broadly available in the world.

We are now accepting donations for scholarships to the Leadership Studies Programs in honor of .  As co-founder, visionary, and current faculty member of the program, there is no one who has had a larger or more consistent impact on the development of the Leadership Studies program at Saint Mary's College and we are thrilled to raise contributions on behalf of his life and work.   

To make your donation to the our scholarship fund, please and follow these specific instructions to ensure that your gift is added to the Leadership Studies Scholarship Fund. 

  1. Fill in the Donation Amount
  2. Choose "I want to view additional options"
  3. Under "Scholarships and Financial Support" check "Annual Scholarships"
  4. Click "Continue"
  5. Write "Leadership Studies Programs Scholarship" in the box labeled "If you selected Other..."
  6. Complete the other areas of the form for frequency, matching, etc.
  7. If this gift is in honor of Dr. Dean Elias or in memory of Brian Hall (or someone else), please complete the "My Gift Is a Tribute" section

Thank you for helping us make this leadership program opportunity available to as many people as possible!  

Drs. Brian Hall and Dean Elias greet one another at the 10-year celebration for Leadership Studies at Saint Mary's College, on September 28, 2013.  Brian Hall passed away only a few weeks later.Drs. Brian Hall and Dean Elias greet one another at the 10-year celebration for Leadership Studies at Saint Mary's College, on September 28, 2013. Brian Hall passed away only a few weeks later.Credit: Photo by Courtney Carmignani Lohmann, Leadership Cohort 13