
KSOE Course Substitution

Please begin by filling out the information below. In addition, please note:

This request may take approximately 4 weeks to process.

  • This Petition asks your Program Coordinator to approve a course taken at St. Mary’s College, typically within your current program or major, that may be used in place of a current course or courses in your Program of Study.
  • This petition requires you to upload course syllabi of the course to be substituted.
  • This petition may be submitted several times while obtaining your degree at Saint Mary’s College. This Petition requires approval by the Program Coordinator before the Registrar’s Office can apply the course(s) to your degree evaluation. There is no fee for this petition.
  • There is no fee to submit this petition.

The Program Coordinator will evaluate your submissions.

If there are any questions regarding your submission, please contact the program Coordinator of your specific program.

Do not contact the Registrar’s Office for information concerning your submission.

Additional Information

I request to have the submitted items evaluated, approved, and applied to my current Program of Study.

I further understand that a fee will be charged to my account once this petition is approved.
Checking this box acts as your signature acknowledging this form submission.


Your request will be sent to the Registrar's Office. It will then be sent to your Program Coordinator for processing. Please expect 4 weeks for all requests to be processed. The results of your submission will be sent to your SMC email address.
Maximum 10 files.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.