
Growing Up Culturally

-An Inclusive Excellence Mini-Workshop-

Where do our assumptions about identities, both our own and others, come from? How do they impact our perceptions and interactions? In this mini-workshop, we'll explore:

  • Messages we received in childhood and early adulthood about aspects of our identity
  • How these message have shaped our assumptions and behaviors
  • The links between identity messages and potential bias 

This workshop is both reflective and interactive; it is open to all staff and faculty whether or not you've attended the Campus of Difference workshop.

Please note that participation in an Inclusive Excellence Mini-Workshop is not a substitute for attending the full-day Campus of Difference workshop. Instead, it's an opportunity to explore a specific aspect of diversity, respect, and inclusion to deepen your understanding.

When:              Monday, April 7, 2014 - 12:00 to 1:30 PM

Where:             Delphine Lounge, Intercultural Center

Open to:          All SMC Staff & Faculty

Facilitators:   Saint Mary's College Campus of Difference Facilitators

Have you taken a full-day Campus of Difference Workshop?