
Room Type Preference

Room Type Preference

4. Room Type Preference

room type preference

Room Type Preference

Next you will indicate your room style preferences to help us plan for room selection. Collecting this information does not guarantee you your preference, as room assignments are based on housing availability during the room selection process. 

Townhouse style rooms are only available to transfer students, juniors, seniors, and graduate students. Transfers/Juniors/Seniors/Grads are also able to live in suite-style residence halls in the canyon area. If you are not seeing room types you believe you should be able to see for the upcoming term, please contact Campus Housing. Renovated suites style buildings are halls that have been recently updated, such as Ferdinand & Camille Ageno (Ageno C), and Michael E Ageno (Ageno A).

Floor Plans, Virtual Tours, & Layouts

You can view virtual tours of most of our different room types on our website HERE. We are in the process of improving our floor plans and different room type layouts.  Please note currently floor plans may have a "T" listed for a room, which used to designate the room being triple occupancy.  At this time, we are not utilizing triples in the residence halls.  All floor plans and layouts are approximations, and we're unable to provide exact dimensions.