
Element #4: Practical Orientation

Element #4: Practical Orientation

Element #4: Practical Orientation


“The kind of communication involved in education is essentially personal communication, communication that builds from and into relationships.”

Electronic or asynchronous communication can be a liberation of sorts for those who consider themselves shy and who suffer in social situations.

“After all, our principal difficulty is not technology itself but our inability to differentiate between the central life practices that we wish to preserve because they bring meaning and grace and those spheres of life for which efficiency and cost-benefit analysis properly ought to reign.”


  Pedagogy Implementation
1 To Introduce: Search and share apps and online resources that improve positive personal relationships or help develop a better awareness of their potential.

Have students take the Questionnaire or other self assessments such as the .


To Enhance: monitor the use of your smartphone, alone or with others, using an app such as Moment, then discuss the results.  

See the website, for Android.


Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.  

If you hesitate or stutter while making a video, that’s not itself a reason to start over, it’s showing students that you are human, too.  Being a little vulnerable makes you more approachable.

4 When doing online sessions, be mindful of your presence as students see and experience you. Here is a blog post with some .