
elena songster

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E. Elena Songster

elena songster
Department: History

Office: Galileo Rm 313

Office Hours, Spring 2022:
My office hours are Tu/Th 1:30-2:30 and by appointment. 
Because of Covid, even w/in this time I prefer appointments so that I can arrange to meet the student outside or the like. 

Phone: (925) 631-6279
Email: ees4@stmarys-ca.edu

Professional Overview

Elena Songster's research focuses on the environmental history of modern China.  She is currently researching medicinals found in nature through an historical lens. 

Her first book, Panda Nation: The Construction and Conservation of China's Modern Icon with Oxford University Press will be released in March 2018 .

Other research projects include the history of snow leopard conservation and forestry history. 

Elena Songster teaches classes on Chinese History, Japanese History, Asian History, and World History.  She has also taught in the Collegiate Seminar Program, and JanTerm and serves on the Advisory Board for the Global and Regional Studies Program.