
Past Event
OLG Celebration
Mission and Ministry and Theology & Religious Studies

Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration
Danza Azteca, Rosary Procession, Liturgy, and Fiesta

Date & Time

Location (On-campus)

Chapel: Plaza
1928 St. Marys Road
Moraga, CA 94575


Join us for a night of Celebration, Festivities, and Faith in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Danza Azteca | 5:15 p.m. | Chapel Plaza
Rosary Procession | 5:45 p.m. | Chapel Plaza
Liturgy | 7 p.m. | SMC Chapel
Fiesta | 8:15 p.m. | Soda Center


Eddie Ventura (edv1@stmarys-ca.edu) and Stephanie Ramirez (sgr6@stmarys-ca.edu)