
Library Response to Court Orders, Subpoenas, or Search Warrants


Response to Court Orders, Subpoenas, or Search Warrants


Without a valid court order, subpoena, or search warrant, no third party, including the FBI, local law enforcement, or administrative agencies, can compel responses or gain access to College records or information, other than the name and business address of the person speaking to the agent or officer.


In the event an agent or officer does present a court order, subpoena, or search warrant, Saint Albert Hall Library Staff must observe the following procedures:


  • Staff must not disclose confidential and/or private information (in writing or orally) as defined in the Library’s Confidentiality Policy, applicable law and College Policy, until the legal sufficiency of the court order, subpoena or warrant has been reviewed by the College’s Office of the General Counsel (“OGC”).  The staff person’s supervisor and the Dean of Library and Academic Services must be contacted immediately if such a request is made or document presented, so that immediate and appropriate contact with the College’s OGC can occur.  


  • Individuals who are approached by an agent or officer should not attempt to impede the physical access or presence of the agent or officer.  Before providing any response to any oral inquiry, court order, warrant or subpoena, you must immediately contact the OGC, Dean of Library and Academic Resources, Lauren MacDonald, and your supervisor to alert them of the inquiry or request.  At that same time, refer the agent or law enforcement officer directly to the OGC (x4831).


  • Should a search or production of College records and information be legally required, the OGC is available to provide legal advice and guidance prior to and, if needed, during any on-site search, production of records, or interview.  Because this type of event could happen at non-standard times, such as weekends and late nights, we have established a phone tree for Library Staff and the OGC for nights and weekend emergencies.


Phone Tree
General Counsel's Office:



Lauren MacDonald, Dean

Shannon Meaney-Ryer, Head of Access Services




Updated January 9, 2019